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Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting

The Annual Budget and Salary/Compensation Transparency Reporting legislation is an opportunity for Vista Meadows Academy to share, with the public, information on how resources are utilized.

The legislation represents an amendment to the State School Aid Act (Public Act 94 of 1979) and requires each Michigan school district and intermediate school district to post the following budgetary information on its website.

Board Approved Budgets

The Vista Marie Academy budget is adopted by the local board of education no later than June 30 of each year. This budget is posted on the website within 30 days of adoption. Any subsequent budget amendments are also posted within 30 days.


Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Board Approved Budget 
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Final Approved Budgets
Fiscal Year 2023-2024 Board Approved Budget Amendment
Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Board Approved Budget Amendment 


Accounting Documents

Personnel Expenditures and Current Operating Expenditures

Because schools are a service industry, the largest share of every school's expenditures is salaries and benefits. Operational expenditures include but are not limited to instructional resources, fuel, maintenance, and technology.


2023-24 VMA Operating Expenditures.pdf
2023-24 VMA Personnel Expenditures.pdf


Educational Service Provider Transparency Reports

2023-24 VMA ESP Operating Expenditure Report.pdf
2023-24 VMA ESP Transparency Expenditure Report.pdf


Current Bargaining Agreements

The district does not have any bargaining agreements.


Employer-Sponsored Health Care Plans

Because our staff is hired through a third party vendor, we did not sponsor health care plans, they were provided by the vendor.


Employee Compensation Information 2021
VMA_Lead Administrator Comp 2024.pdf


District Paid Lobbying Costs
The district did not pay any lobby costs for the fiscal year 2023/2024.

District Paid Association Dues
2023-24 VMA Paid Association Dues.pdf

Medical Benefit Plan Bids
Because our staff is hired through a third party vendor, we do not request medical benefit plan bids. Medical Benefits are provided by the vendor.

Audited Financial Statements
Each year, Vista Meadows Academy is required to hire an independent auditor to complete a comprehensive audit which evaluates and reports on the financial condition of the district. The audit includes a thorough analysis of all business operations as well as a compliance review for the requirements of the many programs we operate

2023-24 VMA Audited Financial Report.pdf

2023-24 VMA Audit Government Letter


Approved Deficit Elimination Plan

The district has not incurred a deficit.

District Credit Card Info
Covid 19
98c Grant
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